In Japanese



Details of Contest
To Companies
Introduction of Permanent Committee
To Contact Chairperson

¡@Details of Contest@¡

‚PjName of Contest
The 32nd Annual All Japan Intercollegiate English OratoricalContest for the Fukuzawa Trophy
Chairman of Keio English Speaking Society (Cultural Association of Keio University)
Kuchiishi Kohei
Executive Chairperson of the 32nd Fukuzawa Trophy
Ono Hiroaki
October 26th, Sunday
Shibakyoritsu Campus of Keio University
Whole Japan
‚UjRequirements for Participation
Participants must be a person who is a student of University or Junior College
which Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology admits.
‚VjRegulations of Speech Manuscript
Speech must be written in English. / Topic is free.
¦Disapproval of the speech whose main claim has already been announced in another speech contest.
Presentation time is within 7 minutes.
Topic; theme of speech
Main Claim; content which is insisted on through the speech
‡@Opening Ceremony
EIntroduction of JudgesEIntroduction of ParticipantsEReturn of Fukuzawa TrophyEExplanation of Regulations
Prepared SpeechEExtemporaneous Speech
‡BClosing Ceremony
Comment by Judges
EAnnouncement of ResultECommendationEAddress
EK.E.S.S. Reception
‡@Preliminary Judgement;‚S Judges
‡AContest;‚T Judges{ 1 Questioner
‡@Preliminary Judgment
Judges examine the content of the speech & the tape.
‡AK.E.S.S. Elimination
We hold a preliminary contest for the members of K.E.S.S.
The person who passed the pre-contest will be a participant of the 32nd Fukuzawa Trophy
as a person who is recommended by K.E.S.S.
ú@jPrepared Speech (‚Vminutes)
Participants deliver their speech which has been prepared before the contest./Topic is free.
¦Title and main claim must be the same as those in preliminary Judgement.
Participants can
ft deliver their speech for more than 8 minutes.
Then, participants will have 4 minutes of Question and Answer period.
úAjExtemporaneous Speechi‚S minutesj
Participants make a speech whose title is given at the time in 15 minutes, and deliver it.
Participants will be judged by their total points of the above 2 speeches.


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